Yoga is the perfect culmination to a 27 km hike which started at midnight at the base of the 11,400 ft. Volcan Baru.  After hiking for over 4 hours, we were rewarded with a beautiful sunrise, view of both coastlines, and of course some revitalizing yoga.

Thanks to the local tourist guide Tuca, we found ourselves with an amazing view of Santa Fe…Panama that is.

It’s easy to find a great spot for some yoga when you have an entire island to yourself.

Before the scary thunderstorms rolled in, we climbed to the top of Mt. Democrat which tops out at over 14,000 feet.  Took advantage of beautiful surroundings to do some high altitude yoga.



Took advantage of the beautiful early summer Colorado weather in the mountains to do a backpacking trip to Mount Harvard (4th highest peak in the lower 48).

Found some amazing backdrops to do some yoga poses.

Check out our Yoga video of all the pictures from the past several years.  Enjoy!

Took advantage of the beautiful waterfall near San Gerardo Costa Rica called Rio Pacifico catarata.  A few of us volunteers need a little help with our form, but a spectacular site to do some Yoga!

Found a great opportunity to do Crow at the waterfall in the Palazzo in Las Vegas.  We had some very curious on-lookers not sure what they were witnessing!  Nearly fell into the water . . . probably needed to be a little more sober!

A cloudless day in the Tetons was a perfect opportunity to do some yoga!  After a freak hailstorm on Friday was followed by a couple cloudless days over the weekend.

After hiking 4.5 miles and climbing more than 2,100 feet we finally made it to Beartracks Lakes in Mt. Evans Wilderness.  We ate a much needed lunch and it gave us the energy to do some yoga in such an amazing setting.  Lets just say that we didn’t exactly stay dry!